Thursday, September 07, 2006

Political NASCAR: What if pols had to wear $$ on their sleeves?

"Snip from GOOD Magazine"
Published: September 6, 2006

"In the 2006 midterms, Senators Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Rick Santorum (R-PA), both running for re-election, have raised the most money of any candidate in their respective parties. Here are the NASCAR-style uniforms they would wear if companies were proud of their political donations, and if running for senate required a flame-retardant suit." Link.

Morgan from GOOD says the magazine's inaugural issue, in which this piece appears, also includes "Pictures from the Border Film Project and New Yorker writer James Surowiecki on America's place in the world [and] profiles of Jimmy Wales, Amanda Congdon, and Peter Diamandis of the X-Prize, among others. Most importantly, when you subscribe to the magazine, we give your entire $20 subscription fee to one of our 12 partner organizations, one of which is Creative Commons."


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